Seen towrads the south side. This area is going to become a dining and a living area. 内側から南側(正面)を見たところ。ここはダイニング・ルームとリビング・ルームになるエリア。
Of course, they will seal the gap between the logs. ログとログのギャップは後ほどしっかりと埋められます。
Northwest corner. This will become a window of the bedroom 1.北西の角。ベッドルーム1の窓になる部分。
This is where the French door for the dining room will be installed. The black thing between the logs is an insolation. ダイニング・ルームのフレンチドアが付くところ。ログとログの間にある黒いものは小さな断熱材。
It's hard to see unless you see it closely, but there is a slot where you can put a long sponge like insolatiton in. This is seen from the side. 実際に見ないとわかりにくいが、ログの中央に細長いスポンジのような断熱材が入る隙間が彫られている。これは金太郎飴のように輪切りにした状態を、横から眺めた図。
Beams are laid nicely.天井の梁がどんどん並べられていく。
The crew is putting the logs but the frames that are supporting the logs were made by our guys. They are going to be the walls later. ログはクルーが組み立てるが、それを支えている手前のフレームはケヴィン達が先週必死に作ったもの。これが後に壁となる。
The logs used for this cabin are from the forest fire in Canada. They were left standing for several years then cut when they became completely dry. They have already cracked while standing so there is a low risk of having crack after the cabin is built.
This is the biggest log that comes on the roof. これは屋根の部分に置かれる一番大きなログ。
There was a huge hole a week ago and now it's a basement. This is where we put so much effort getting rid of water a few weeks ago. The concrete was poured and tons of soil was put back in.
We are going to cover the frames and make simple walls and shelvs later on for a storage purpose. There is no direct access between here and the main living are thogh.
This is the floor plan. 間取りはこんな感じ。ご覧の通り、吹き抜けが多い設計。
Taken at the end of the day on Sunday. This is the south side where the entrance will be. The picture below is how it is going to look like. 日曜日の作業終了後の形。ここは南側で入口となる。下が完成予定図。
North side. The left side is the bedroom 3, the window in the middle is the bathroom, and there will be another bathroom on the right side. 北側。左がベッドルーム3になり、中央の出窓はバスルームになり、その右側も別のバスルームになる場所。
The west side. There will be a bedroom and a bathroom, a dining room in the middle and the kitchen will be where there's nothing beside two pillors right now. 西側。左側がベッドルームとバスルーム、中央がダイニングルーム、まだ何もないが2本の柱があるところまでの空間にキッチンができる。
The east side. The living room will be in the front and there will be another living area where it sticks out. 東側。手前がリビングルーム、突起した部分も別のリビングエリアとなる。
The beaver dam that Kevin moved from the other side of the path. It's getting bigger and the water level is getting so high! 例のビーバーダム。水位がこんなに高くなっていた!
Good job, guys! They were so nervous about a week ago as they thought they wouldn't be able to get things done before the logs and the crew arrived - they stayed in there for 5 days. They even worked till 11pm the day before. Everything is going well afterwards. I'm very proud of them!