Thursday, November 13, 2008

Week #20 - the final week for this year

They finished the roofing completely. Beautifully done! 屋根がすべて終わりました!

They sealed everything, even around the log in the triangle shaped area. (It sounds like it was a really tough job.) これでキャビンは冬に向けて密封されました。(丸太の周りが特に大変だったらしい。)

Thanks all who came up and helped us this year! Look forward to having you next summer - either for a stay or more work ?! 

Monday, October 27, 2008

Week #19

They have just a little bit left to finish the project for this season. Last chance to come up and see our property this coming Saturday if you haven't see it yet!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Week #17 & 18

These pictures are actualy from last weekend (#17) and Kevin forgot to take his camera today, so these might be the last photos of this year.

They finished installing all the skylights and one side of the roofing last week and they are finishing up the rest now. This weekend should be the last weekend of hard work and we are so looking forward to having some weekends off and socialize with our friends before the ski season starts! We haven't even been going out on Friday nights either as we had to go to bed early to get ready for the weekends! (日本語は一番下です)

Look what it looked like 4 months ago





Thursday, October 16, 2008

Week #16

Sorry - it took me so long to update this blog. Guys worked on sealing upstairs, installing one of the four skylights and roofing during the last weekend. However, they had to quit roofing in the afternoon on Saturday due to the snow. 先週末の仕事は、2階部分を板で閉じる、天窓の取り付け(合計4つある)、そして屋根の工事。雪のため屋根は途中で中止し、それ以外のことに励んだようです。

Now they are sealing upstairs. Because of the shapes (triangles, logs, etc.) it's taking them extra time to cut out the boards.2階部分の封印ですが、三角形部分やログがあって形が複雑なため、板をその形に切り抜くのに時間がかかった模様。

First skylight - done! 1つ目の天窓がつきました!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Week #15

It started snowing finally and a good news is we are close to finish sealing the cabin!ついに雪が降り始めました。とりあえず、本格的な冬到来の前に開いているいるところはふさげそうです。

Dave and Ford were up there since Friday working on the ice barrier on the roof - they laid the black sheet while they were hanging with their harness on. 共同オーナーの友人2人は金曜日からまた山篭り。(ケヴィンは土曜日の朝に行き、私は用事があり日曜日に日帰りで行きました。)友人2人はハーネスをつけて屋根にアイス・バリアという黒いゴムのようなシート張りに専念。

Lots of our friends came up to help us this weekend as we had so much to do before snow gets too deep to get to the property. 今週末はたくさん友人が手伝いに来てくれました。冬になる前にやらなければならないことが山積み。とにかく屋根を完成させて、穴をふさがないと。

They carried a lot of logs that we don't need till next summer to the basement. Thanks everyone for your help! 来年の夏まで不要なログを地下室へ。

Dave and Ford continue to work on the roof. 日曜日の午後も2人は屋根に専念。

This is the view from the opening facing to the west...これは2階の西側から見た眺めで、

...which is where the ladder is.はしごがある部分です。

View from the bridge above the dining area (right) and the living area (left).吹き抜け部分は橋になっています。

And there is going to be a loft and a balcony above the kitchen/entrance area. 橋の向こう側はロフトとバルコニーになります。

Same area seen from the front.同じ所を外から見たところ。

Those skylights are...このスカイライトは

the little openings you see on the top in the middle.真ん中の上の方の穴です。

Pat is installing one of four windows we broght from the shack. We decided to wait to order the windows till next summer but these temporary windows made our cabin very homy.窓をオーダーするのは来年の夏まで待つことにしました。その代わりに掘っ立て小屋から4つ窓を取り外して使うことに。おかげで家らしくなりました。

When we removed the windows from the shack, we also brought the kitchen stuff into the cabin. Now we can cook and we don't have to camp any more - we can sleep in our cabin!窓を取り外して小屋が使えなくなったので、中身も一緒に移動。これでキャビンで料理ができるようになり、中で寝られるようにもなったので、0度以下の気温でキャンプをしなくてよくなったわけです。やったー。

It started snowing around 2pm on Sunday. 日曜日の午後2時ごろ、ついに雪が降り始めました。

Kim is sealing one of the last cut-outs to get ready for a long winter.残り少ない穴をふさいでいるところ。

3pm - it's quickly accumulating!3時-あっという間に積もり始めました。

4pm - so glad to have windows in!4時-窓が入って本当によかった!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Week #13

大きな変化! Log guys made big progress in a week!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Week #12

期待していたほど外観には劇的な変化はなかったものの、着実に工事は進んでいました。There was not a huge change in the way it looked from the outside as much as we had hoped for, but the construction was definitely moving forward.

天井=2階のフロアができていた!The crew had made a ceiling = the 2nd floor!

2階に上がれるようになりました。Now we can climb upstairs.

なんとも素晴らしい眺めです。そして何よりもうれしいのは、屋根ができ始めたこと。Great view from the top. And now they are working on the roof!

構造を見るとなかなか興味深いものがあります。It is quite interesting to see the structures.

屋根となんらずにこの眺めのままならいいのに・・・ Wish we didn't have to cover this gourgeus view with the roof!

クルーがログを組み合わせる間男性陣が何をしているかというと、空いているところにこのようなフレームを作りはめ込みます。What Ford, Dave and Kevin have been doing is that they make bunch of frames for the cut-outs and put them in.

こんな感じ。 Voila!

ケヴィンの役目はそのための材木を、サイズに合わせて切ること。(そして私の役目は、その切れ端を拾い集めること。)Kevin's job is to cut the lumbars in the size so that Dave and Ford can make the frames. (and my job is to pick up small wood pieces.)

その後、フレームが入ったところは平らな板でカバーされ(右端のように)、後に窓の部分が切り取られるわけです。All the cut-outs with frames will eventually been covered, then will be smaller cut-outs for the windows.

北側の出窓の部分もフレームが入りました。ここは(非常に眺めの良い)1階のバスルームになる部分。The bay window in the north side has been fitted with frames. This is going to be a bathroom with a view!

そして、ついに山には雪が積もり始めました。夜は0℃になったので、テントで寝るときに足がなかなか温まらなくて(4時間はかかった)、私はよく眠れず。アシャも夜中に地面から私たちの上にゴソゴソと移動。Now you see the snow in the mountains. It was a freezing temperature at night and I couldn't sleep well as my feet didn't get warm for a long time(at least 4 hours). Even Asha climbed up on our sleeping bags from the ground in the middle of the night. It was cold.