Monday, September 21, 2009

September '09 #3

It was still in the middle of the fall color season up in the 11,000 feet. 3300m地点は、紅葉(黄葉?)のまっただ中でした。

Our tasks for this weekend was to put the siding where the "Tyvek " is. 私たちの今週末の課題は"Tyvek "と書かれた白い部分にサイディングをつけること。

... and we are done with the first floor!1階部分が終わりました。

It looks great!

We decided to use metal for some parts. it will rust as it ages and it will add a rustic mining flavor to our cabin. 部分的にメタルを使うことにしました。これは年々錆びる素材なので、だんだん味が出て来るはずです。

We have put handles to all the doors and have been working with caulking -the cabin is much warmer now. ドアにハンドルが付きキャビン中の隙間も石膏のようなもので埋めていっているので、キャビンの中はぐんと温かくなりました。

Kim and Dave have worked on some electrical stuff. What a detailed work! キムとデイヴが電気系統もやってくれています。デイヴの知識もすごいけど、キムの板一枚ずつ穴を開ける作業も細かい。

The roof is looking great too.


Anonymous said...

Other times the article used language Ingris! I dont understand with yor language. Nice house ... but unfortunately that kind of architecture can not be applied in Indonesia, because it would create a special fire-prone it in a densely populated city. Reply my question in my blog and follow my blog ok. nice to know you.

Unknown said...

The cabin looks amazing! I am so impressed by all the work you are doing yourselves.

c.lambert said...

Thanks Teri! You are always welcome to stay in the cabin once it's done! Chika