Monday, July 28, 2008

Week #5

It's been 5 weeks since the project started, and I finally went up there to help. プロジェクトが始まって5週目の週末、ついに私も建設現場へ手伝いに行って来ました。

The goal of this weekend is to get rid of water from the footer as much as possible before pouring the concrete. The river runs through the property is making it tough for us. We have to go through the inspections at certain points, and we didn't pass it the past week as it was a day after rain.


This is actually a hard work. We make sloped canyons around the footer and gradualy lead the water out... かなり地道な作業。木で囲われた部分の外側に溝を作り、水を少しずつ建設現場の外へ誘導。まさか自分がこんな肉体労働をするはめになるとは…。

This is the cause. Kim and I made the dam to change the direction of the water. これが現場に水が滲みこんでくる原因になっている川。手前にある堤防は、流れの方向を変えるために女性陣2人が石を運んで作ったもの。

We covered the footer this time - hope we'll pass the inspection on Tuesday! 今回は雨に備えてカバーをかけ、2日間の労働がやっと終了。火曜日の視察をパスするのを願うのみ。

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